If you're an anime fan who follows multiple series, easily track all your favorite sagas with the app UKIKU. With this app, you can read chapters of your favorite animes, or even download them to enjoy them anytime and anywhere. You'll never miss a new release again!
From UKIKU's home screen, you can take a look at the most followed series along with their recently released chapters. Just swipe through all the options until you find your favorite series, then tap on it to view the reading options. Each anime's page has a synopsis and some tags, as well as a few other details, such as issue date, type of anime, and other user's ratings.
Not only that, but have the option of reading animes right on the UKIKU app, so you can enjoy them without using up storage space on your device, or downloading them so you can read them anywhere, even without an internet connection.
UKIKU also offers recommendations based on the anime you view, making it easy to discover new great anime, as well as a calendar that shows what chapters are released each week. You can even create your own schedule based on when your favorite animes release new chapters.